Purgatorian Society

If, during life, we have been kind to the suffering souls in purgatory, God will see that help be not denied us after death St. Paul of the Cross
NAME: The name of the society is “Purgatorian Society”.
FOUNDER: The society was founded by John Marie Ndianatuegwu (OSB) on 17th November 1974 in Enugu Diocese of Nigeria.
AIMS: The aims of the society include:
- To provide organized bodies through which masses sacrifices, suffrages, prayers could be regularly and consistently offered for the release and or relief of Souls in purgatory.
- To provide a source of awareness to Christians especially Catholics that they have a bounden duty to succor the souls in purgatory.
- To provide more proofs for the existence of purgatory through prayers, seminars, workshops and debates.
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the society include:-
- To provide an avenue through which the faithful can work towards the sanctification and edification of their lives through a life of sincere devotion to the Holy souls in purgatory. It is hoped that this will provide a new channel for works of charity that will groom future saints for the church.
- To provide and maintain facilities for the dead in the church e.g. graveyards for the clergy, the religious and the faithful in general.
- To support the church in whatever way it can in her work of evangelization and to venture into approved new areas which may arise as a consequence of it’s existence and development.
ORIGIN: The society started at the Holy Ghost Cathedral Enugu on the 17th November 1974. His Lordship late most Rev. Dr. Godfrey Mary Paul Okoye, then Bishop of Enugu blessed and approved the society.
On Monday 15th March 1977 the handbook of the society was approved after canonical inspection at the Bigard Memorial Seminary and imprimatur was given by the then Rector Rt. Rev. Monsignor Cyriacus Mba. The Treasury of the Purgatorian society” our official manual of prayer English version received its own imprimatur in July 1988, from Rt. Rev. Dr. A.K. Obiefuna then Bishop of Awka.
GROWTH: The purgatorian society has become the fastest growing society in Nigeria, it’s being indigenous notwithstanding. The society already exists in the nine provinces and over 40 Dioceses in Nigeria, in Cameroon, Ghana, Uganda and U.S.A.
ACTIVITIES OF THE GROUP: From the diocesan to parish levels, Retreats, Seminars, Workshops and above all annual conference for all purgatorians are organized.
MEMBERSHIP: The society is open to all practising Catholics. It has three grades of membership: viz; THE PETITIONERS i.e. those who attend their weekly devotion and pay a certain amount each month for the booking of mass. THE CONTRIBUTORS i.e. those who only pay a certain amount each month for the booking of mass but are not obliged to attend meetings and THE MEETING ATTENDANTS are those who pay certain amounts each month for the booking of mass as well as attend the general meeting that comes up once a month.
MODE OF REGISTRATION: For petitioners and the meeting attendants one need to be at any of their meetings. It is expected that the applicant will be placed on three months probation before full registration.
While the contributor may not be in the meeting, he will only give his consent and the chief collector will now visit his house and issue him the contribution card for mass bookings. Generally, all is expected to fill a membership form that gives detailed information about the applicant.
A member loses his/her membership after three months of nonpayment of an agreed amount he/she promised to be paying for the mass booking.
It is important to remark that a member determines any amount he or she wishes to pay for this very booking of mass. The society never imposes any amount on any member.
IDENTITY OF MEMBERS: MODE OF GREETING: Two or more purgatorians meeting will greet themselves in this way.
Purgatorian A: Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord!
Purgatorian B: And let perpetual light shine upon them!
Both A and B may they rest in peace. Amen!
They also prefix “Purgatorian” to their names.
DRESSINGS: The mode of dressing for their men is purple trouser and white caftan (for older ones) or shirt for younger men, while for women, their mode of dressing is purple wrapper, white blouse and purple scarf for old women, while younger ones put on purple skirt, white blouse and purple scarf.
Their sacred symbol remains the picture of our Lady of Mount Camel. A picture showing our Lady descending into purgatory to release or give relief to souls therein.
ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE: The society has the General Council that meets once in three months at their national headquarters Enugu as the highest governing body. They also have Provincial, Diocesan Councils, Deanery/zonal councils, parish councils and unit levels.
ACHIEVEMENTS: The society upon the request of the Bishops of the Dioceses has built and maintains cemeteries and graveyards for the clergy and lay people. It has also been involved in evangelization crusades of the church. Its Mass booking for souls in purgatory has been so consistent and on the increase daily, that the mass stipend from these masses has continued to be a source of income to so many parishes.
PROBLEMS: The dogma of purgatory has continued to be a controversial one both within and outside of the church. The scarcity of books on this dogma has also been a major concern. These Biblical passages are the major pointers namely: 1 Cor.3:14-15; Mtt.5:25- 26; Lk.12: 57-59.
And that is the more reason why purgatorians take it as a challenge to make sure that not only that souls there are assisted but also the awareness of what the church teaches on this dogma is been propagated.
Eternal Rest Grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the Rest in Peace Amen.