Sacred Heart Of Jesus and Immaculate Heart Of Mary

if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister Colossians 1:23
Group adoration every Thursday after 6.00pm mass inside the chapel of adoration.
Adoration every 1st Friday by 5.00pm inside the church.
1st Saturday prayers in honour of Immaculate Heart of Many after 8.00 am mass
inside the church.
1-hour night adoration at least once a week between the hours of 9.00 pm – 6.00.
This is to be done privately in homes:
Family adoration on Thursday preceding 1st Friday of every month before our Altars.
at home between 9.00 pm and 6.00 am.
Monthly general meeting every second Saturday of each month after 8:00am mass•
Monthly thanksgiving – 1 st Sunday of every month during 8:00am mass, attendance in sacred heart uniform.
Yearly novena to the sacred heart as announced by the national body.
Annual feast of the scared heart as announced by the national body.
Enthronement and solemn admission of the members
Compiled by,.
Chinwe Okeke
President S/HJ&I/HM