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The Catholic Church of the Assumption, Falomo recently held a heartwarming celebration in honour of the children in the Parish, aimed at celebrating the uniqueness of children as God’s gift not just to their family but to the Church. The celebration began on Saturday, June 1, with the Parish Priest, Very Rev. Fr. Francis Ike and the Pastoral Team hosting the children to a breakfast interaction where the educative, and inspiring message of Pope Francis on the First World Children’s Day was explained by Rev Sr. Doris Gali SCHJ to the children, while the children in turn asked pertinent questions in relation to their Faith and the Church.

It was also filled with fun as the Priests and Religious serenaded the children with songs and games. The climax of the celebration on Sunday, June 2 saw a special Children’s Day Mass, where the children took the centre stage in the Church, participating in the Liturgy by taking the readings, prayer of the faithful, singing in the choir, acting as church wardens, among others. While delivering an inspiring homily on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), the Parish Priest, Very Rev. Fr. Francis Ike said the Eucharist is not a representation or a sign of Jesus, but Jesus himself. According to him, “It is the real, substantial presence of Christ among us; the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Fr. Ike encouraged the children to always reverence Jesus in the Tabernacle by genuflecting whenever they enter the Church. He reminded the congregation that children are the future of the Church and society, and it is the duty of every parent to guide and support them. Immediately after the Mass, the children were hosted to a fantastic reception by the Parish. The highlight of the day was when the Missionary Childhood Association of the Parish and the invited schools showcased their skills in singing, dancing and playing of instruments which earned applause and admiration from the audience. In addition to the fun and games, the event also had an educational aspect, as one of the sponsors, Blue Gates who were in attendance with their representatives asked the children questions on moral values, hygiene and environmental awareness.

The winners were rewarded with cash gift by the company. Parents and guardians expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Church for organising such a lofty celebration for the Children. The Parish Priest thanked all those who contributed to the success of the event while re-emphasising the Church’s commitment to the spiritual and physical growth of the children. The celebration came to a close, creating a memorable and impactful experience in the lives of the children and parents. The Church looked forward to carrying on this tradition each year, as the children left with happy hearts and treasured memories.

NB: For more pictures, kindly check the website’s Gallery section.

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